divorce options


Collaborative Divorce and Mediation, What’s the difference?

April 26, 2023

Are you stuck choosing between collaborative divorce or mediation as you begin to navigate through the divorce process? If so, allow us to give you some insight into the difference…

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When you are deciding how to get a divorce in Kansas City, we are here to help.

How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City: Focus On Collaborative Divorce

April 13, 2022

How to get a divorce in Kansas City may feel like an overwhelming prospect. It can seem as though the only options are adversarial and costly, both financially and in…

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Understanding your divorce process options is a crucial first step when you are considering divorce.

Know Your Divorce Process Options Before You Act

March 23, 2022

Understanding your divorce process options is a crucial first step when you are considering divorce. Divorce can be an overwhelming experience, but knowing your options can help prepare you. Collaborative…

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How to get a divorce can often feel like a giant question mark, but Collaborative Practice Kansas City is here to help.

How To Get A Divorce: 5 Steps To Follow

March 9, 2022

How to get a divorce can often feel like a giant question mark, but Collaborative Practice Kansas City is here to help. We offer both divorce mediation and collaborative divorce…

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Divorce process options in Kansas City include two excellent ways to get a divorce without going to court.

Divorce Process Options In Kansas City: Can You Get A Divorce Without Going To Court?

December 22, 2021

Divorce process options in Kansas City include two excellent ways to get a divorce without going to court. Divorce mediation and collaborative divorce offer a valuable alternative to contested divorce,…

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Collaborative divorce in Kansas City is an alternative that can save you money over financially and emotionally costly traditional litigation.

How Collaborative Divorce In Kansas City Can Save You Money

November 24, 2021

Collaborative divorce in Kansas City is an alternative that can save you money over financially and emotionally costly traditional litigation. The collaborative process is based on a pledge in which…

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Many people looking up how to get a divorce in Kansas City are ultimately choosing collaborative divorce for a few key reasons.

How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City: Why People Are Choosing To Get A Collaborative Divorce

October 27, 2021

Many people looking up how to get a divorce in Kansas City are ultimately choosing collaborative divorce for a few key reasons. Collaborative divorce makes the usually difficult process less…

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The collaborative process has the advantage of much more predictable and often lower costs than a contested divorce in Kansas City.

Contested Divorce In Kansas City Versus Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

September 8, 2021

Contested divorce in Kansas City is the traditional divorce process, also known as litigation divorce. It is often mired with fear, hurt feelings, and anger that make an agreeable resolution…

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When you are choosing how to get a divorce in Kansas City, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, LLC is here to help.

How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City In 2021

August 25, 2021

When you’re wondering how to get a divorce in Kansas City, it may seem as though you are limited to options that are adversarial and extremely costly financially as well…

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When considering divorce process options, you may also want to consider timing.

Divorce Process Options: Should You File For A Divorce Now Or Later?

July 28, 2021

When considering divorce process options, you may also want to consider timing. The unique challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic – shutdowns, layoffs, childcare challenges, slowdowns, and shortages –…

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