collaborative divorce

When you’re wondering how to get a divorce, it may feel as though you are limited to options that are adversarial and extremely costly financially as well as in terms of time and energy, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

How To Get A Divorce Using The Collaborative Process

June 24, 2020

When you’re wondering how to get a divorce, it may feel as though you are limited to options that are adversarial and extremely costly financially as well as in terms…

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In contrast to contested divorce, a collaborative divorce removes the element of litigation and settles cases respectfully, transparently and privately.

Contested Divorce vs. Collaborative Divorce – What Is The Difference?

June 10, 2020

A contested divorce is the traditional and frequently very adversarial divorce process of bargaining from specific and often conflicting positions, backed by threats of litigation and the intervention by a…

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Collaborative process represents an approach to divorce for couples looking to end their marriage by negotiating a mutually acceptable settlement without having courts decide the outcome.

Collaborative Practice Makes Divorce Easier

May 13, 2020

Collaborative Practice professionals, serving the Kansas City area, are specially trained to work with you through the collaborative process. Collaborative process represents an approach to divorce for couples looking to…

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