Many people looking up how to get a divorce in Kansas City are ultimately choosing collaborative divorce for a few key reasons. Collaborative divorce makes the usually difficult process less stressful, less drawn-out, more respectful, more transparent, and more engaging, providing better results for children and saving money in the process.
Collaborative Divorce Can Offer Better Results For Children
Many factors that determine a child’s adjustment to divorce are beyond your control. But perhaps the single most important factor in determining how your children adjust to the divorce is something parents do control: how they interact with each other.
Most divorcing couples will experience a certain amount of hostility toward each other during their divorce, and that conflict continues following the divorce while the family adjusts to its new structure. When conflict continues for years, however, the negative consequences for the children can be profound.
You and your ex-spouse may be raising children together for years to come, and working towards an effective co-parenting relationship from the moment you make the decision of how to get a divorce in Kansas City is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children.
The collaborative divorce process brings a team of professionals together including a divorce coach to show parents how to get a divorce in Kansas City in an environment that does not pit them against each other, but can instead help them create new, more effective ways to communicate and work together for the benefit of all concerned.
Collaborative Divorce Can Save You Money
In a collaborative divorce, you negotiate directly with the help of your attorneys and other professionals on your team – a financial analyst and a divorce coach. You still each retain your own counsel to provide legal advice and represent your interests, but simply having everyone at the table at once saves a considerable amount of time. As we all know, time is money – especially when attorneys are involved.
Even in uncontested divorces, financial analysts help the divorcing couple understand their financial situation and make sound decisions. Likewise, even the most amicable separations can bring up complicated feelings and emotions that get in the way of equitable negotiations or parenting plans, which require the help of mental health professionals to overcome.
The overall cost of a collaborative divorce often depends more on the divorcing couple’s active participation, transparency, and commitment to the best outcome for the family than how many professionals are included on the team or how complex the issues are. If the spouses participate in the process in good faith and cooperate with their professional team members, the overall costs may be a great deal less than if they are uncommunicative, argumentative, or dishonest.
How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City That Works For Your Family
The collaborative process is how Collaborative Practice provides couples with a holistic approach to how to get a divorce in Kansas City. The process of collaborative divorce provides a forum for open communication, planning, settling disputes through problem-solving, and working with a team to develop creative solutions.
Collaborative Practice enables participants to have control of decision-making within the divorce with the support of a professional team. Together, the Collaborative Practice professionals leverage the collaborative process to work with you and reach a settlement agreement that works for both parties. For more information, click here or call 913-380-2560.