Collaborative Process In Kansas City: Hallmarks And Principles

We utilize the collaborative process in Kansas City to remove the element of litigation and settle divorce cases respectfully, transparently, and privately.

We utilize the collaborative process in Kansas City to remove the element of litigation and settle divorce cases respectfully, transparently, and privately. Unlike a contested divorce, the Collaborative Practice dispute-resolution process is based on a pledge in which you, your spouse, and your attorneys contractually agree to negotiate a mutually acceptable settlement without having the…

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How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City: The Collaborative Approach

When you are choosing how to get a divorce in Kansas City, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, LLC is here to help.

Learning how to get a divorce in Kansas City, at first it may feel as though you are limited to adversarial options. Traditional divorce can be extremely costly financially as well as in terms of time and energy, but it doesn’t have to be that way.  Collaborative Practice Kansas City, LLC aims to help evolve…

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Divorce Process Options In Kansas City: Can You Get A Divorce Without Going To Court?

Divorce process options in Kansas City include two excellent ways to get a divorce without going to court.

Divorce process options in Kansas City include two excellent ways to get a divorce without going to court. Divorce mediation and collaborative divorce offer a valuable alternative to contested divorce, which can be an overwhelming experience fraught with fear, hurt feelings, and anger that make an agreeable resolution difficult, if not impossible. Divorce Process Options…

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Divorce Mediation In Kansas City: What To Expect

If you are considering divorce mediation in Kansas City, you may be wondering what to expect.

If you are considering divorce mediation in Kansas City, you may be wondering what to expect. The goal of divorce mediation is to allow the divorcing couple to reach agreements that meet their needs as well as the needs of their children while avoiding the financial and emotional burden of a court battle.  A neutral…

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How Collaborative Divorce In Kansas City Can Save You Money

Collaborative divorce in Kansas City is an alternative that can save you money over financially and emotionally costly traditional litigation.

Collaborative divorce in Kansas City is an alternative that can save you money over financially and emotionally costly traditional litigation. The collaborative process is based on a pledge in which you, your spouse, and your attorneys contractually agree that you and your attorneys will not go to court, except to finalize the divorce. By removing…

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Contested Divorce In Kansas City Vs Divorce Mediation

A contested divorce in Kansas City can be an overwhelming experience that makes an agreeable resolution difficult, if not impossible.

A contested divorce in Kansas City can be an overwhelming experience, fraught with fear, hurt feelings, and anger that make an agreeable resolution difficult, if not impossible. It is a stressful process that typically breeds and reinforces feelings of insecurity and animosity. Divorce mediation offers a valuable alternative. The goal of mediation is to allow…

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How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City: Why People Are Choosing To Get A Collaborative Divorce

Many people looking up how to get a divorce in Kansas City are ultimately choosing collaborative divorce for a few key reasons.

Many people looking up how to get a divorce in Kansas City are ultimately choosing collaborative divorce for a few key reasons. Collaborative divorce makes the usually difficult process less stressful, less drawn-out, more respectful, more transparent, and more engaging, providing better results for children and saving money in the process. Collaborative Divorce Can Offer…

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Divorce Mediation In Kansas City: What Is It?

Divorce mediation in Kansas City is an option in which a neutral third party assists you and your spouse in reaching agreements about your divorce.

Divorce mediation in Kansas City is an option in which a neutral third party assists you and your spouse in reaching agreements about your divorce. The mediator can provide information about the divorce process and guide a discussion to help resolve issues. The mediator cannot decide anything for the parties – the parties themselves will…

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What Are My Divorce Process Options In Kansas City?

Divorce process options in Kansas City include do-it-yourself divorce, contested or litigation divorce, divorce mediation, and collaborative divorce.

You may have many more divorce process options in Kansas City than you realize, though many assume there is only one way to get a divorce. Collaborative Practice Kansas City, with offices serving the entire Kansas City metro area, is here to help you understand each option and determine which is best for your family. …

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Contested Divorce In Kansas City Versus Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

The collaborative process has the advantage of much more predictable and often lower costs than a contested divorce in Kansas City.

Contested divorce in Kansas City is the traditional divorce process, also known as litigation divorce. It is often mired with fear, hurt feelings, and anger that make an agreeable resolution difficult, if not impossible. Both parties communicate almost exclusively through attorneys and bargain from specific and often conflicting positions, backed by threats of “We’ll just…

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